Saving for a Vacation

I am thinking about opening a vacation savings account to save for my dream vacation.  I plan to put very little money into it, at least until my credit cards are paid off, but I feel I need to start somewhere.

I have a list of places I’d like to visit someday, but only one of them is a must!  This is the only place I want to visit before I die and I feel, if I keep putting off saving for it, I’ll never make it happen.

Where do I want to go?  Nowhere that is exotic or of a radically different culture.  I want to visit the UK, more than any other place in the world.

While I’d also like to visit Alaska, Italy, Switzerland, and Scandinavia, the UK has always held a strong pull for me.  I am a self-professed “Anglophile”, I love all things British!  I am not sure whether it is my fascination with their pop culture, their history, or the fact that most of my ancestors came from England.  It doesn’t really matter, I just want to go and have been talking about it for years.

So, I am thinking of starting a vacation savings account that will have very little put into it at first, but at least I will be saving toward the ultimate goal.  The savings account also limits my access to it to twice a year.

So what do you think, good idea?  This goal will be my “eye on the prize” of getting out of debt.  I won’t take the vacation until I can pay not only cash, but do exactly what I want, for how long I want.

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